Returning to our Halftee Roots - HALFTEE Layering Fashions

Returning to our Halftee Roots

It all started with a simple idea and (eventually) a kiosk.

Almost 10 years ago, Amanda Barker had an idea. It was a simple idea, but one that would take her on a crazy journey. She was talking with a friend about how women’s layer fashion needed to change. Wearing two or sometimes three multiple shirts under one shirt to achieve modesty or a cute layered look was just too much. Too bulky. Too hot.

Then she hit on a thought: why don’t we just cut the undershirts off? Right below the bust. That would eliminate the bulk and extra heat in a snap! And that’s how Halftees began.

Amanda worked on that simple idea from her garage for a while. But it wasn’t long before women started to see the value in her half shirts. So she moved her business to the mall, and opened up a kiosk selling her layering tees.

The business boomed, and suddenly she went from working at home to hiring a powerhouse team of women to help her keep up with the supply and demand of her fashionable undershirts. They shut the kiosk down and focused their efforts on online sales.

Fast-forward to today. Nearly 10 years later. And we’re opening up the kiosk again! It’s been a fun journey exploring and expanding Halftee layering fashions online and through social media, but we’re ready to hit it hard at our own personal cart at the mall.

Because we’ve realized that while we’ve reached a national audience selling Halftees, there are so many relationships to cultivate with the people right around us! And we CANNOT WAIT to get started. And frankly, the demand has been high for our women’s Halftee undershirts. This cart will kill two birds with one stone...or should we say, help two sets of “the girls” instead of one. But multiply that number by like 100.

So come say hi to us at the mall and order that must-have Halftee you’ve been eyeing for a while now. We’re excited to see you!

much love,



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