Bunny Kisses & Easter Wishes
By: Ariana S.
Wow! Time really flies, doesn’t it? Do you all remember, Christmas was just yesterday, hypothetically right? It feels like we just took down the tree, the lights, put away the wrapping paper and here we are, smack dab into the pastel season,Easter eggs, bunnies and loads of candy on every shelf you pass - as if we needed another reason to eat loads of sweets - Easter!
In light of our (not so recent) discovery that time flies, I choose to soak up every holiday moment with my kids that I possibly can, especially while I still have them at home with me. Raising two boys makes for a typical, sports filled weekend of activities, learning how to throw footballs, purchasing baseball mitts and pretending I know how to maneuver a soccer ball well with my feet. But my absolute, all time, eye-catching favorite part; dressing in our Sunday best, seeing the glowing looks in their eyes and enjoying the time together with family and friends.
Boy do they look nice in their button ups, but for me, it’s the one Sunday I feel I can get a little, for lack of better words, extreme. Shopping for our ‘Easter best’ can be quite thrilling and difficult. Shopping for them, no problem, but myself - and for those of you with little girls - can be tough. I want a dress that accents my personal style, feminine and elegant but also, modest and appropriate. This combination can sometimes, be tedious and frustrating. All the dresses I love have tiny little straps and dip too low in the chest. Let’s face it, while I have a serious case of spring fever and can’t wait to dust off that box of spring/summer apparel, Mother Nature is telling us “nope, we’re staying in the cool season, just a little bit longer.”
It wasn’t until I recently began shopping at Halftee that I realized, I can have the best of both worlds which was my praiseworthy moment, my inner goddess did a ‘C’ jump in the air and shook her pom poms, yelling “You go girl!!” I can finally buy that dress I love with those skinny straps and low cut top, because ‘light bulb’, I have a Halftee for that. If you’re anything like me, I know this is a struggle, not only for ourselves, but for our little girls as well. We don’t want them sitting in Sunday school with that beautiful spring dress we were so excited for, yet, it’s just not appropriate unless we add all these bulky, unwanted layers underneath. I’ve never had so many compliments on my layered looks. I had to send everyone to Halftee for the necessities.
Wishing you all a very happy Easter holiday, may you have time to enjoy the ones who matter most in your world, have sweet bunny kisses and easter wishes and always remember, “He Lives”.
Ariana at Halftee