How to Restore the True Spirit of the 4th of July - HALFTEE Layering Fashions

How to Restore the True Spirit of the 4th of July

The fourth of July is my favorite holiday. Summer is in full swing. Flowers are planted, the garden is in, swimming, boating, lazy days, and s'mores when the sun goes down. Rodeos, parades, fireworks, music concerts, sidewalk sales, farmer's markets, vacations, and splash pads all come and go as the slow and easy summer pace sets in. I love summer. I love the heat. I love the flowers and the green grass. But, my most favorite part of all these is celebrating my Freedom and this wonderful country that I am privileged to live in--- The United States of America. I believe in this country, I believe in the Constitution, I believe in the Bill of Rights, and I believe each of them was written by inspired men of God.

As we sit back on this beautiful holiday and watch our little kiddos splash through the summer waters, eat watermelon, and wave sparklers high in the air, let us take time to reflect on what freedom represents in each of our lives and in theirs. Reflect on the men and women, the fathers and mothers, the sons and daughters, grandmas and grandpas, and friends who sacrificed so much to give us the freedom to say what we want to say, worship as we choose to worship, defend our family if ever under attack, and so many other freedoms we take for granted each and every day.

God has blessed America and foreordained Her to be a beacon in the night in a world where darkness lurks around every corner. Let us, each day, pray that God will continue to bless America. Let us continue to put God first so that He can continue to bless this great nation and our unprecedented freedoms. Let us study our Constitution, designed by God, so that we can defend our Constitution and fight to uphold its valuable principles, and know when they may be under attack, as they have been these last couple of years. Let us continue to love all His children, everywhere, for where much is given, much is required (Luke 12:48). Let us find ways that unite us, "for when we work together in love and unity, we can expect heaven's help." Linda K Burton.

I pray we all have a lovely 4th of July holiday and a most wonderful rest of summer. Slow down to be present, smell the flowers, lay in the grass, and splash in the water. God is prevailing and is so good. He loves us and will continue to bless us as we strive to love, defend freedom for all, and worship Him always. God Bless America, the land that I love!


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