The Ultimate Christmas List to Give Your Husband
Finding the perfect gift for a woman can be incredibly difficult. As a woman, it’s super hard to know for myself what I want for Christmas when my husband asks, let alone what to get for my friends. So, I asked 100 women what they really, truly want for Christmas and this is what they said:
Blow dryer
This may sound like a basic gift. But, any way to cut down on time spent in the bathroom getting ready while still looking amazing is great for any woman.
Everyone could use a break more often than we tend to get it. Watching the kids or bring her dinner will always help greatly.
I love when my house smells good. Even if the house is a disaster, if it smells good, then I okay.
Clean House
If you can hire someone to clean the house for a day then she would love that. If that’s something that is not affordable then kick her out for a night and clean it yourself. Even doing the dishes for her one night will bring much-needed relief.
No matter how many clothes I have I could always use more. Clothes are constantly being tugged and splashed on, so they don’t tend to last. A new outfit, shoes, handbags or undershirts are always appreciated.
Any form of caffeine in a cute mug wrapped with a bow make easy presents for neighbors or coworkers. You know how much us women need our caffeine!
Digital Photo Frames
In the age of smartphones, we have a million photos on our phones, but never take the time to print them out and hang them up. A digital photo frame gives her the opportunity to display her latest photos in a place she is going to see them.
Dinner is a daily chore at my house, so anything to ease that burden is always appreciated. Whether it is a gift card to go out for dinner, a subscription for a dinner service, or even a homemade frozen dinner that I can pop in the oven on a busy night.
Spending time with family is super important. For a lot of family’s this includes some sort of game. Giving us more reasons to spend time as a family is very much appreciated.
Gift Cards
Gift cards make great presents. That way you don’t have to worry about getting the right size or product that she wants. Make sure not to get her a gift card to a grocery store or something that she will end up spending it on the kids and not herself.
Girl Date
Girl dates are such a breath of fresh air. We as women need time with other women and getting that set up by offering to watch the kids or setting a date means the world to us.
Does she have a favorite hobby? Get her something she can use to continue that hobby such as things for knitting, baking, or painting.
The number one answer for what women truly want for Christmas that I got was a massage or spa day. Women want to relax and buying a simple bath bomb isn’t cutting it anymore. Get her a day at the spa or a massage. If that’s not something you can afford buy her something soothing like a muscle foam roller. Or, beauty schools usually offer hair a wash and style for $15 or less with a massaging hair wash included.
Nail Accessories
A great self-care for women is getting her nails done. So, we would suggest buying her anything from nail polish, wraps, or a manicure or pedicure.
Pillow and Sheets
Sleep is such a need that I can guarantee your woman is not getting enough of. Get her something that is going to help her sleep better like a new pillow or silky sheets.
Women must stay organized somehow.
I always just want a nap. Take the kids for an hour or two so I can sleep, and I will love you forever!
Fuzzy Soft Blanket, Socks or Robe
We as women love soft things, especially things that will help us stay warm in this cold weather.
Favorite Treats
I want chocolate and candy that is mine and the kids won’t eat it!
Trip and experiences
We want to experience things with our friends or significant other. A day trip to a museum or glass blowing. Or, an overnight with dinner and a nice hotel. Anything different and special that we can look forward to.
Yoga Mat
Yoga is a great way to relax and take some time for herself.
In the end, get something that fits the woman you are shopping for. The perfect gift for a woman is going to fall into one of these three categories: Pampers her, reduces her workload, or is something she wants but would never go out and buy for herself. Happy shopping!