For many, 2020 was a difficult year. Here at Halftee, we were blessed that our business not only survived but thrived. We are so thankful for the customers and team members that made this possible. We stayed true to our desire to be a company for women, by women. As we look back over the year and see all that we were able to accomplish, we are so excited for 2021 and have big goals and ideas! New launches, new styles, charitable donations, and more growth are in our future!
In 2020 we launched a ton of products! Check out our launches:
New Product Launches
New Color Launches
Charitable Partnerships
Due to our growth we were able to give back to Operation Underground Railroad, Huntsman Cancer Institute (Breast Cancer), Utah Coalition Against Sexual Assault, Exodus Cry, and some local Utah schools! We also started sponsoring Rise Up Children’s Choir, what amazingly talented kids! We love being able to support important and inspirational groups. Keep an eye out for more opportunities to give back with us in 2021!
Fun Campaigns
We did some great and fun campaigns too! From our #howihalftee where you share your photos in Halftee styled outfits for a chance to win a $50 gift card. To #whyIhalftee where women share their deep, personal, or funny reasons why Halftee is their go-to or a necessity in their wardrobe. We learned a lot about how Halftee is changing the way women feel in their clothing!
We also got your feedback and design ideas with our Halftee Creations Contest. Congratulations to Raquelle Duran for the winning design! Look for “Cheetah by RED'' coming January 2021! We can’t wait!
We had BIG NEWS in 2020! We were invited back on Shop HQ which is a National TV Shopping Channel, and we have loved being back with those awesome ladies! We reunited with Noelle Nieporte as she hosted us on Park City TV. We also made an appearance on the Biz to Biz podcast with Joy Ruffen.
We also grew our Ambassador Program and our Influencer Program with the launch of our Affiliate App. This made it easier for our amazing Ambassadors and Influencers to track their sales!
We can’t wait for the upcoming collaborations we have in the coming months of 2021. Here are a few of the influencers and collaborations we worked with in 2020:
- Melea Johnson @themeleashow
- Caroline Allen @themodestmom
- Raquelle Duran @RED_darkroom
- Elizabeth Azud @myhappystyledlife
- Stefani Kemp @hellostefaninicole
- Lily Arbon @simplyme_lily
- Shantel Racine @apictureworthstyle
- Alejandra @alesellsgeorgia
- Sophie @modestfashiongirls
- Erika Fenimore @erikamarie72
- Brittany Brinson @beyondbrinson
- Aby Joe @abyjoe
- Nicole White @nicolecurzon
- Chandice Commeree @Shenannigins
- Jackie Carr @jackiecarr_
- Dezie Broadhead @mymountainvalleyhome
- Foster with Just Add Chocolate @justaddchocolatelehi
- Lindsey Bouffard @flekkcosmetics
New Team Members
Due to all our growth, we hired another 5 employees and we couldn’t be happier! Samantha and Shelley joined our customer service team to help our growing customer needs. Waverly and Jill were added to our shipping team and have helped us stay on top of all your shipping needs!
In today’s world, there is no way to run a business without social media. It’s a monster of a job and we were thrilled to have Eliza join our social media team. We have an irreplaceable group of women working hard towards the same goals and we are enchanted with the results.
A whole year of life happened outside of the business. Here are the big moments we experienced in 2020:
Amanda: Celebrated 20 years of marriage, oldest daughter graduated High School and another was baptized.
Jill: Graduated high school and started school at Southern Utah University.
Waverly: Returned home from a Toronto, Canada mission where she spoke Spanish.
Tami: Will be a grandma for the 6th time and youngest started high school.
Krista: Celebrated 7 years of marriage.
Ari: Moved into a new house.
Alli: Oldest child was baptized.
Samantha: Expecting a baby in 2021.
Malia: Son was married, second daughter graduated high school, and her oldest is expecting a baby.
Eliza: Got married this year.
Shelley: Joined Halftee, which is a big joy for her.
From all of us here at Halftee, we hope you had a great year. We encourage you to reflect on the past year, find the good, and reflect on the things that you learned that will help you push forward in 2021. Let this New Year be a time of healing and recovery, a time for personal growth and love. May this year be kinder, more forgiving, and more patient. Farewell 2020 and Happy New Year to you all!