Easter and what it means to me


This past week was one of those weeks that caffeine should have been put into an I.V. and just pumped into my system every couple hours. I had 10 soccer games, 3 bantam basketball games, two birthdays, a couple graveyard shifts to make sure our QVCGermany had the info they needed for their order, a funeral of one of my most favorite women, church activities, and I am pretty sure I forgot something.  As I rushed around and prayed really hard that everyone was where they needed to be, I found myself in the chapel sitting at a funeral, preparing to sing one of my favorite songs, "Oh Lord, My Redeemer." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDjjxJDc0Xs If you have heard this song you know why it is one of my favorite songs, and if not, it is a story of a person that found his Savior as he watched his Savior Crucified. I have sung this song many times, and two weeks ago I sat at the bedside of my sweet friend and sang it to her, it happens to be one her favorites as well. This was the last time I saw my friend. In the early morning the following Sunday she passed away.

As I sat in the funeral listening to her children tell about her, everyone in the room was saying to themselves, I hope that I can be just like her! She had a light about her that touched all those around her. She loved to tell stories, send notes, read, music, she complimented you with complete sincerity, but most importantly she loved her Savior. Her ability to love people was because she loved her Savior and chose to try to live each day as He would have her live. Her sweet daughter said something that I loved, "As we all try to live more like my mom, the great thing is, we will be living more like our Savior." 

What a wonderful time spent, thinking of this sweet women and simultaneously thinking about my Savior, especially so close to Easter Weekend. I hope to stand with my friend, in knowing that He lives! He died and atoned for our sins so that we can be forgiven for our sins, he was resurrected from the grave and so will we, to return to live with Him and our Father in Heaven. Let us remember to celebrate with our families this great news and let us remember what Easter is all about. I am grateful to have known my sweet friend and as she did while she was alive, she did at her death and helped me remember what this life is all about. To become more like our Savior each day, and to love all those around us, to serve them and lift them up and to help them know more about their Savior because they know me!

Image of Jesus Christ

Love this picture of the Resurrected Christ.

Nice article about Easter, not specific to my faith, but a nice Christian article......

What is Easter?

The Easter festival, the oldest and most important festival in the Christian calendar, culminates in the celebration that is Easter Sunday, which today is a time when most of us get together with our families, share a meal and - of course - eat lots of chocolate! Most people know that it was on this day that Jesus was said to come to life after being crucified, visiting his friends and followers once more, but aside from that our knowledge of Easter can be patchy. Even if you're not a Christian you may be interested to know a little bit more about the Easter story, and the timeline of events that are described in the Christian gospels. Whether you believe in God or not, the Easter story does provide an interesting historical insight into what life was like some 2000 years ago.

At Easter time Christians remember the last week of Jesus' life, or 'Holy Week'. It signals the end of Lent, the traditional time of fasting in the Christian calendar, and starts with:



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