With the new circumstances of social distancing I don’t know about you, but my home is at the point where we are all antsy. We can't wait to get out and experience the world again. While it is important for the public's health to social distance, it is also important that we experience fun in our homes. This keeps your kids, and yourself, from going crazy! Here are some fun home activities to put your mind at ease and bring excitement back into your home.
In-Home Carnival
One of my favorite things to do as an older sibling myself is to create an in-home carnival for my littles! You assign each kid to come up with their own carnival game and give them an hour or so to create a fun game for everyone to play. As they craft away you can get busy with the carnival snacks! Popcorn, hotdogs, rootbeer floats, or anything you can create with those quarantine groceries! Put on some fun music, a face painting station is a family favorite of mine and enjoy your family time at the carnival. Keep the kids occupied, and maybe the dogs too!
Fashion Show
Another fun idea is to keep the kiddo’s (and yourself) entertained is to have your kids create different fashion looks using the clothes they have! In our family, the big kids always dress the littles, who are more open to the task of constantly changing. Seeing them do a little catwalk down with some music blasting on the speaker is one of the cutest things ever. You can sit at the end of the catwalk and give your fashion feedback as they walk. In our Halftee household, we also enjoy a little competition of who can create the cutest outfit using a Halftee!
Chopped Kids’ Edition
This game may be a little harder, or a little more fun, with the limited groceries you may have but this game is plenty of fun. Give the kids 3-5 secret ingredients and task the kids to create a dish using those ingredients. Help teach the kids how to cook certain things and judge their culinary creations once they are done. Pancake mix in a squeeze bottle is one of the easiest versions of this game. Give them a theme, like “Disney”, and watch them create shapes and decorate their pancakes in a unique way. Loads of fun and one meal you don’t have to cook them!