Have most of your relationships with loved ones become long distance with the quarantine? Does most of your contact with those outside your house seemed to have substantially decreased now that you can’t see them in person? Are you wondering how you can keep up these relationships even when you can’t be with them? I know I am! COVID has separated a lot of us from people we would love to spend time with in-person. Because of travel bans from the virus, me and my European fiancé have found ourselves stuck on opposite sides of the world! Needless to say, I have been working on answering these questions for a long time. So, let me share with you what kept me going and what keeps me going during this time of social distancing! Here’s how you can make the most of your long-distance relationships.
Genuine compliments
Since you can’t give a hug or an act of service for your loved ones, take this time to tell them how much you appreciate them! It can be so easy to think that people know exactly how we feel about them. But, let’s take this time to remind them and solidify your gratitude for your friends and family.
Write them handwritten notes
Make it a surprise!! When is the last time you got mail? Not a bill, not junk mail, but a real letter from someone trying to communicate their feelings to you…it’s been a while, right? What a way to make someone’s day. It’s something they can hold on to and reread when they are away from you.
Plan questions to ask
What is something you’ve always wanted to know? Or something out of genuine curiosity? People love and appreciate when you really want to know about their life. It makes them feel important and wanted. These questions could consist of, but are not limited to, “how did you meet your spouse?” “what’s your favorite childhood memory?” “what’s a fear you have recently overcome?” “what’s your definition of love?” “what’s something you want everyone to know about you?” Take this time to get to know your loved ones!
Hold each other accountable for something
Make sure you both read the same article, book chapter, or listen to the same ted-talk. This always gives you quality and common content to talk about. It helps you find things you can relate on and creates new bods together. You could do the same workout, think of fun questions to ask each other, play a game or work on a project together. It’s all about the follow up! When you are counting on someone to do something, it builds trust, love, and companionship.
Make time for them
This may be the most important one of them all! Calls can be easy to push to the side when you are already busy or already spend so much time on a screen for work. But this is one of the simplest ways for someone to show their love, by simply setting aside time in their day or week for those who matter most. Don’t let busy life make you lose perspective of those things and people that are most important to you.