There is a swelling within my heart when I think of all the men and women who have served or are currently serving our country. I often wish there was more I could do to show my support and appreciation, especially on weekends like this when we remember our country's brave first responders.
As many times as I think about doing something to show my support, how often do I actually do it? Hardly ever! I tend to get so overwhelmed with not knowing how to help. It’s hard to find time to volunteer somewhere and I can't afford to donate to their cause.
Look, I know, these are such lame excuses when it comes to serving those that gave everything! So, here are 10+ easy and realistic ways you and I can show our thanks to those who serve our country.
.Donate Items That Are Normally Thrown Away
Instead of giving used items to Goodwill, see if it is something that can be donated to organizations dedicated to helping those serving. Here is a list of items that can be donated today:
Halloween Candy: Have leftover candy that you are already sick of? Send it to those serving overseas.
Used or Broken Cell Phones: Instead of tossing out that old or broken phone that is sitting in your junk drawer, send it to Cell Phones For Soldiers.
Ink Cartridges: Operation Shoebox collects used or new ink cartridges.
Fabric and Quilting Material: Have any extra fabric or quilting supplies you’re never going to use? Donate them to Quilts of Honor.
Small Plush Toys: Give no longer played with Beanie Babies, Webkinz, or other small plush toys to Operation Gratitude. Those currently serving love plush toys!
Paperback Books: Donate used paperback books to Operation Paperback who gives them to those currently serving.
Women’s Business Apparel: Not enough closet space? Give gently-used work-appropriate women’s clothing, handbags, shoes, or jewelry to Dress for Success.
Wedding Dress: Don’t know what to do with a used wedding dress, jewelry, veil, or special occasion dress? Donate it to a military bride through Brides Across America.
.Spend Time With Animals
Foster a Pet: Love animals? Help those currently serving by fostering their dog, cats, or birds through Dogs on Deployment.
.Send Them a Message of Gratitude
Want to tell them personally how much you appreciate them? Here is a couple of ideas:
Write a Letter: Write a heartfelt letter to those serving or veterans through Operation Gratitude.
Color a Picture: Send colored pages from Color a Smile.
.Use Your Crafting Hobby to Show Your Appreciation
Are you a crafty person and normally craft as a hobby in your downtime? Check out these ways you can use your talents to help our servicemen and women.
Crochet Scarves or Hats: Create hats or scarves that can be sent to those deployed in places that get cold at night through Operation Gratitude.
Create a Quilt: Make a quilt that can be given to veterans who need them.
Make Handmade Greeting Cards: Craft some fun blank cards that service members can use.
.The Internet Is Something You Already Use Every Day
We all use the Internet, but did you know you could use it to help those that serve our countries as well as their families?
AmazonSmiles: By signing up for AmazonSmiles 0.5% of your purchases will go to a charity of your choice. Several charities support our troops and veterans.
Spread the Word on Social Media: Veterans Crisis Line has lots of material that can easily be shared to social media to reach struggling Veterans.
I know we all want to do more to thank those who have sacrificed for our country, though life has a way of preventing us from taking the time to do what matters. That’s okay. I can totally relate. But what I’ve learned from putting together this list is that it doesn’t take much to show our gratitude today.