Halftee Blog
The Amazing Way You Can Get Free Halftees
With minimal effort you became an ambassador for that product. What if you could earn more of the product and give your friend a discount? That’s what Halftee offers!
This Is the Secret to Wearing Style as a Mom
When you have kids, particularly young ones, getting dressed often feels like a moot point. Murphy’s Law ensures you will get spilled or puked on, and likely be used as a tissue multiple times during the day. While the changes our bodies have gone through as moms can also make...
This Is How I Found My Style
“Tell us a little about yourself.” Ugh, I cringed. I hate being asked to talk about myself. Who am I? How was I supposed to help them understand who I was when I don’t even know myself? And, at that point in my life, I hated myself...