This Easter Season has me especially happy. I love Easter time. I am in awe every year when the frigid winter is finally coming to a close and the flowers and buds have the courage to start showing their little faces. This simple act of nature is always a renewal of my faith in God and in His Son Jesus Christ.
A message that I have been pondering on over the past 6 months, is "Let God Prevail." As I witness the ever-revolving changes in protocol and measures throughout the world, something that has never wavered or changed is the constant opportunities I have been blessed with to witness, that God's hands are in everything. God is in the details and this thought of, "letting God prevail," has slowly changed to "God IS Prevailing."
My message is the same this Easter time as it was at Christmas. God loved us so much that He sent his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to atone for ALL of mankind. "For God so Loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16) No matter your skin color, no matter your age, no matter your gender or even your choices, the Atonement of Jesus Christ covers ALL. Everything we go through in this life can either draw us closer to our Savior or separate us from Him. We are the ones that choose which direction life will take us. God and Jesus Christ never waiver in where they are standing, they are always standing with us, good or bad, happy or sad, they will always be there.
At Christmas time I challenged each of us to take time to write down the blessings that we had been blessed with over that past year. I loved reading the emails in response to my Christmas blog, they inspired me to continue to vigilantly recognize all of the good around me. This Easter time I invite us to find ways to draw closer to God and His Son and challenge ourselves to help others to draw nearer to Them as well. We draw closer in service, in prayer, in church, at the park, with our family, with our neighbor, at work, on the phone with a friend, with strangers, or in the car with our kiddos. As we do these things, we will not only draw closer to God and Jesus Christ, but we will draw closer to His children, our heavenly brothers and sisters. Remember God is prevailing, we are His hands, through the Atonement and our willingness to reach out, we will not only draw closer to Him, but others will also feel of His love and draw closer to Him as well. At this time of year, as we witness nature, faithfully reappear, let us ALL move forward with a renewed sense of faith in God and in His Son Jesus Christ. And remember, GOD IS PREVAILING!
With much Love and Hope, Amanda