I would like to know what you all think about showing ones bra straps. Are bra straps modest? Is it modest to show your bra straps? There has been a lot of talk about this topic, especially in the high school scene. Young women in high school have been asked to not show their bra straps because it warrants young men to have "inappropriate" thoughts. I will share some info on that story in a moment.....
I for one believe that bra straps showing isn't necessarily immodest or inappropriate but a bit "ghetto," (I know there are other words that would mean the same thing, but I love the word, ghetto.) I just believe that when our bra straps are hanging out we look tacky, a little tank Halftee under your top would create a finished polished look. Women ask me all the time why we don't carry a spaghetti strap halftee. Honestly because halftees are all about solving as many issues as possible and having a little thickness to the strap on the tank Halftee helps with several layering and wardrobe issues. Take a look at my photos below.....One is with the tank halftee, and then other without and the bra strap hanging out.....Which looks better?

But then you have this gal that the bra straps are apart of the outfit, is this modest or immodest? I would not ever be able to pull this off, but I believe it is a very cute way to "show" your bra straps.
Alright as promised up above here is an article about a high school asking their young women to "not" show their bra straps.....I love her daughters response.....
Tracy R Kerievsky starts off her post cleverly.
"Consider the bra strap. It’s a bit of elastic on your shoulders. I remember when you didn’t want your straps to show — it was showing your underwear. It meant you couldn’t wear many styles, unless you got a strapless bra, which does nothing but slide down, and all day you feel your boobs slipping away from the bra and into the world. But the meaning of clothes shifts over time, and now, many young women consider bra straps just part of the outfit — like a belt.
But this week a male administrator at my daughter’s high school told girls at an assembly that they should not show bra straps because it invites the wrong kind of attention from boys. My daughter said she gets why he said it: There are girls at the school who wear extremely revealing outfits, and he’s looking out for them. He’s reaching out to the girls who aren’t getting some basic guidance, and he means well.
But the directive sparked a reaction in several girls. “What, are we trying to pretend that girls don’t have boobs?” girls were saying. “It’s not our fault how boys react.” See, this is a new time, not like when my mother was in high school and girls were sent home for wearing pants. These girls, even more than I did, get to treat their clothes as their domain. They get to decide what’s conventional, what’s tasteful. And I think you have to admire their ingrained autonomy."
Tracy R Kerievsky click here to read full article.