Halftee Blog
4 Halftee Facts That Will Make You Excited to Shop
“You go to your fridge, and you open the door. Inside is a baby penguin. What do you do?” I stared at the blonde lady in front of me with total bewilderment. Did she just ask me what I would do if I found a baby penguin in my fridge?...
How to Easily Share Your Halftee Story
When we at Halftee started receiving more and more emails telling us why Halftees were so important to our clients, how they made a difference and changed their life, we were moved. We were touched. We wanted to know more! This is why we are starting...
Looking Back and Looking Forward at Halftee
For many, 2020 was difficult year. Here at Halftee, we were blessed that our business not only survived but thrived. We are so thankful for the customers and team members that made this possible. We stayed true to our desire to be a company for women, by women. As we...